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"An exciting and significant story. Jerry Enzler tells it in exceptionally well-documented detail and readable prose. . . . This is lasting biography at its best."--Robert M. Utley, Former Chief Historian for National Park Service


"Jim Bridger is probably my favorite historical character I would most like to meet."--Lee Whittlesey, Former Historian, Yellowstone National Park

"The most reliable, best-researched, and most comprehensive biography of this western trailblazer."--Jay H. Buckley, Author of William Clark: Indian Diplomat

"Jim Bridger's story is as big as the West he called his home. A remarkable book about a remarkable man."--Candy Moulton, Author of Sacajewa: Mystery, Myth, and Legend


"An outstanding biography, one of the best in recent years. . . . He is an excellent biographer and historian, and we would all benefit from more books from the Iowa author."--True West Magazine


"It reads easily, provides new information, and reveals a good deal about his ambition, energy, and memory. Altogether a delightful read."--Oregon Historical Quarterly


"Enzler leaves the reader with an appreciation of just how remarkable Bridger's life was in the development of the American West."--Overland Journal


"An engrossing story of the life of one of the greatest "Mountain Men," full of details, excitement, and the history of the period."--English Westerners Society


"A solid, reliable, sympathetic, and quite readable cradle-to-grave and life-and times biography of the legendary frontiersman and American original."--Missouri Historical Review


"A character almost larger than life, long overdue. This book deserves a place on the bookshelves of all those interested in this exciting period in American history."--Nebraska History