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The Author


                 Jerry Enzler is the author of Jim Bridger: Trailblazer of the American West, published by Oklahoma Press in 2021. He was also a leader of Three Worlds Meet, a live performance depicting the 1837 Rendezvous which was presented in Wyoming, Scotland, Ireland, and Northern Ireland.


       He has appeared on History Channel's mini-series documentary, The Mighty Mississippi, narrated by Hal Holbrook, as well as other television and public radio programs. He has also written several articles for The Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal and other publications.


       He received a Master of Arts degree in Museum Studies from the Cooperstown Graduate Program, State University of New York. For thirty-seven years he was the founding director of the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium, a Smithsonian-affiliated, 14-acre museum in Dubuque, Iowa.


       In that role, he created award-winning exhibits and museum films that have been seen by 5,000,000 visitors. He lives in East Dubuque, Illinois.







Western Writers of America

 Spur Finalist Best Western Biography


     True West Magazine 

    Best of the West Readers' Choice Award


    #1 Amazon Audible Best Seller

   U.S. Adventurers, Explorers, and Survival


     #6 Amazon Best Seller 

U.S. History Travelers and Explorers